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in Health by (2.2k points)

1 Answer

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by (1.2k points)

Water makes up around 60% of our body weight [1], playing a vital role in nearly every bodily function. Here's how hydration impacts our health:

  • Essential bodily processes: Water is used in numerous processes, from lubricating joints and organs to regulating body temperature through sweating [2, 3]. It also forms saliva for digestion and carries nutrients and oxygen to cells [1].

  • Physical performance: Even mild dehydration (as little as 2% fluid loss) can hinder physical performance and endurance [4]. This is especially true during exercise or hot weather, where sweating increases fluid loss.

  • Brain function: Dehydration can negatively affect cognitive function, memory, mood, and concentration [5]. Studies have shown that even mild dehydration can impair alertness and focus.

  • Digestive health: Water is crucial for proper digestion and preventing constipation. It helps break down food and keeps things moving smoothly through your digestive system [3].

  • Nutrient absorption: Water is necessary for dissolving vitamins and minerals, allowing your body to absorb nutrients from food effectively [1].

  • Waste removal: Our bodies use water to flush out toxins and waste products through sweat, urine, and bowel movements [2]. Proper hydration helps the kidneys function efficiently and prevents kidney stones.

  • Overall health: Adequate hydration can improve skin health, regulate blood pressure, and even boost the immune system to fight off illness [1, 5].

In summary, staying hydrated is essential for optimal bodily function and overall health. When dehydrated, even by a small amount, many aspects of our well-being can suffer.

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